Department of Foreign Languages ​​ONAFT

Since the founding of the center permanent and constant partner is the Department of Foreign Languages ​​headed by the Head of Department

Zinchenko Elena Sergeevna.

Elena, good day! Tell us about the same department, what it was and how it looks today.

Good day! You know, Department of Foreign Languages – one of the oldest Academy. The most likely date of its creation – 1928 year. Initially, the department taught only German, after World War II added English, French. Led the Department of outstanding specialists in methods of teaching foreign languages: GS. Katz, prof.I.M. Berman, Assoc. A.A. Barbarigo, Assoc. L.B. Zukin. Under the direction of Prof.. IM. Berman and Assoc. A.A. Barbarigo prepared and defended their dissertations methodology and pedagogy fifteen postgraduate students from different regions of the Soviet Union. Over the years staff reached 30 teachers. Currently, the State Department 13 English Teachers, 1teacher – German and 1prepodavatel – French. 3 Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (Methods of Teaching English). 3 Candidate of Philology (Germanic languages; theory of literature), 1 graduate student.

How interesting! But you French teacher, so what is it brings you to the French? Why the choice fell on him?

Before I brought French geography: closest to home school, where I was sent to 1 class, was a specialized school №10 (French first class). Learn French it was still easy, fun and exciting. I think, so he became my profession)

Amazingly, as a mere location of the school played in your future) And now I would like to speak directly about the center. tell me please, that the impetus for cooperation with FEFU? How did the idea of ​​creating this project and what were the first steps?

FEFU the academy “lead” Oksana B. Tkachenko. The partnership is due to the efforts of many colleagues; enthusiasm and perseverance of our first stazherok 2011-2012 p .: Alina Cherkaschenko, Alla Solovieva, Victoria Seyrik, Mary Maslihovoy, Xenia Dermenzhi and Galina Cheshenko. As well as supporting the Rector Bogdan V. Egorov.

Now the project involved training students 4 departments, coaches 2 departments. And with 2013 was added at the Academy of intensive French language teacher trainees FEFU of Zhozy Aneka, which arrives to us 2 week to work with our interns. IN 2017 and 2018 – Summer University of French as a foreign language for teachers.

How wonderful! I think, This is a terrific opportunity for students to internship and learn to communicate more with native speakers. But what was a most difficult and what the pros and cons (if any) of?

The hardest, definitely, was not. But in the pros – is its successful implementation, cons – failure.

Tell us about future plans, they?

Home Plans – French as a second foreign academy. This year – special -1 September begins the year of the French language in Ukraine. Planning and preparing various events in collaboration with many structural subdivisions Academy.

Department of Foreign Languages
Plan terrific! Let it implemented as soon as possible) And finally. Elena, What would you wish student interns?

And trainees and interns do not want to learn French (or at least some foreign). After twenty-first century – polyglot era.

Elena, Thank you very much for the warm and sincere conversation! Suppose further work brings only positive note, and all the plans and objectives!

Thank you!